Pingyang Bangdi Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Union Booster Tree Chain Lock

Union Booster Tree Chain Lock

A tree chain lock is a versatile device designed to protect trees from unauthorized access or damage. It consists of a durable chain that can be wrapped around a tree trunk and secured with a lock. It serves as a barrier to deter tampering, vandalism, or unwanted removal of trees.

Types of Tree Chain Lock from Union Booster

Materials of Tree Chain Locks


Steel is a popular choice for making chain lock tree ties due to its high strength and durability. It offers excellent resistance to cutting, sawing, and tampering. Chain links made from hardened steel can provide increased security against potential thieves. However, steel chains may be susceptible to rust and corrosion if not properly coated or treated.

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is a corrosion-resistant alloy of steel that contains chromium. It offers enhanced durability and resistance to rust and weathering. Stainless steel chain lock tree tie support is suitable for outdoor use, even in humid or coastal environments, as they maintain their appearance and strength over time.

Vinyl-Coated Chain

Chain lock tree ties with

a vinyl-coated exterior offer protection against scratching and damage to both the lock and the object it secures. The vinyl coating also helps prevent rust and corrosion, making it a good choice for tree chain locks that will be exposed to various weather conditions.

Brass or Bronze

Brass or bronze chainlock tree support is known for its aesthetic appeal and resistance to corrosion. These materials develop a distinctive patina over time, which can enhance the visual aspect of the lock. While not as strong as steel, brass or bronze chain locks can still provide a level of security while adding a touch of elegance.

Positive Environmental Impacts of Using A Tree Chain Lock

​Preventing Tree Damage

By securing valuable objects to trees using chain lock tree ties, you reduce the likelihood of these objects causing damage to the tree's bark, branches, or roots. For instance, bicycles, signs, or other equipment that might be leaned against a tree could cause abrasions or physical harm. Using a chain lock ensures that planting accessories are properly secured without causing harm to the tree.

​Preventing Tree Damage

Reducing Theft and Waste

Chain lock tree supports deter theft of outdoor equipment and belongings. By preventing theft, you reduce the demand for replacement items, which in turn reduces the consumption of resources needed to manufacture new products. This helps minimize the environmental impact associated with the production, transportation, and disposal of goods.

Reducing Theft and Waste

Promoting Responsible Behavior

Encouraging the use of chain lock tree ties can promote responsible behavior in public spaces. When people see others using locks to secure their belongings, it sets an example for taking care of personal items and respecting shared environments. This can lead to reduced littering, vandalism, and overall degradation of outdoor areas.

Promoting Responsible Behavior

Lessening Material Waste

Effective chain lock tree supports can extend the lifespan of outdoor objects. When items are securely locked to trees, they are less likely to suffer damage from exposure to the elements or from accidental drops. This leads to fewer items being discarded due to wear and tear, contributing to a reduction in waste and the resources required to produce replacements.

Lessening Material Waste
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Address: Huitou Industry, Wanquan Town, Pingyang County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China