Pingyang Bangdi Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Union Booster Professional Grade Hose

Union Booster Professional Grade Hose

A professional-grade hose is a heavy-duty, durable, and versatile hose designed for demanding applications. Built with high-quality materials, it offers enhanced kink-resistance, increased durability against abrasion, and is suitable for tasks requiring high water flow, making it ideal for professional landscaping, commercial use, and heavy-duty water delivery.

Features of Professional Grade Hose


Professional-grade hoses are built to withstand heavy use, with reinforced layers that resist kinks, abrasions, and punctures, ensuring a longer lifespan.

High Flow

These hoses have larger diameters, allowing for increased water flow, which is especially beneficial for efficient watering and irrigation.

Pressure Resistance

Professional hoses can handle higher water pressure, making them suitable for various applications that require consistent water delivery.

UV and Weather Resistance

Designed to withstand outdoor conditions, these hoses are UV-resistant and can tolerate extreme temperatures without cracking or deteriorating.

How to Maintain and Store Professional Grade Hoses?

Regular Cleaning

After use, thoroughly rinse the hose to remove dirt, debris, and residue that can lead to clogs and deterioration. Use a hose-end attachment or nozzle with a gentle spray pattern to avoid damaging the hose's inner lining.

Regular Cleaning

Proper Storage

Store hoses indoors or in a shaded area to protect them from direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, and harsh weather conditions. Coiling the hose loosely and using hose reels or hangers prevents kinks and unnecessary stress on the hose.

Proper Storage

Avoid Kinking

Kinking can weaken the hose and restrict water flow. When coiling or uncoiling, ensure smooth bends without sharp angles. Consider using hose reels or holders designed to prevent kinks.

Avoid Kinking


Before winter, drain the hose completely to prevent freezing and potential damage. Store hoses indoors during colder months or use insulated hose covers to protect them from frost.

Need A One-Stop Garden Hose Solution?
Need A One-Stop Garden Hose Solution?
Get In Touch With Union Booster Now!
Address: Huitou Industry, Wanquan Town, Pingyang County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China